Is watch dogs legion good
Is watch dogs legion good

is watch dogs legion good

In Watch Dogs 2, Blume Corporation installs ctOS 2.0 in San Francisco, intent on extending its societal control over America. Pearce kills Brenks, chucks Jordi off the lighthouse and is led to Vega, the hitman who killed his daughter, where the game ends after players decide whether to kill or spare him. Pearce's pal Jordi Chin arrives at the lighthouse and it is revealed he was working with Brenks all along.

#Is watch dogs legion good install#

DedSec begs Pearce to install a backdoor in ctOS for them, but he refuses, a decision they don't take kindly to. Some story beats later, Clara Lille is killed by Brenks' henchman before Pearce can save her, but he eventually tracks down Brenks at a lighthouse after infecting ctOS with a virus that causes another massive blackout. Pearce meets and collaborates with a man called Raymond 'T-Bone' Kenney, an ex-Blume Corporation hacker who caused a major blackout so bad that it pressed the government to respond, which led to ctOS. DedSec is a mysterious grassroots organisation run by a so-called 'Council of Daves.' Internally within DedSec, there are disagreements over how peaceful this rebellion should be and some have exercised violence over protest.

is watch dogs legion good

Their hacking of its systems is DedSec's rebellion against the death of privacy – they're exposing weaknesses in the system to show how it could be used by corporations with ulterior, profit-based motives.

is watch dogs legion good

The general philosophy of DedSec is that they're against the Orwellian control of information exercised by Blume Corporation who own ctOS. Everything is connected via ctOS which allows Aiden to manipulate cameras and traffic, causing chaos and affording him the ability to collect the personal details of anyone he chooses. Pearce is forced into working with Brenks and meets Clara Lille of DedSec, a hacking initiative opposed to ctOS, which is essentially a corporate-controlled internet of things that manages Chicago.

Is watch dogs legion good